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Autor(es): Biga, Daniel Rodolfo
Del Giorgio, Horacio René
Dufour, Fernando Javier
Serra, Ariel Miguel
Título: IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)
Editor: Blue Herons Editions
Referencia sugerida: Biga, D. R., Del Giorgio, H. R., Dufour, F. J. y Serra, A. M. (2013). IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem). En F. V. C. Ficarra, K. Veltman, C.-F Huang, W-j Jen, M. Brie, M. C. Ficarra, J. Alma, A. Kartky y l. VarelA (Eds.), Handbook. Scientific Computing, Communicability and Cultural Heritage : Future Trends in Software and Interactive Desing (pp. 47-56). Blue Herons Editions. http://repositoriocyt.unlam.edu.ar/handle/123456789/2442
Resumen y filiaciones: This IMS (IP Multimedia Susbystem) technology is a framework architecture for delivering IP multimedia services, wich allows voice and multimedia applications to comunicate from multiaccess scenarios (Wireless, PacketCable, DSL, etc.), thus allowing the coveregence of fixed and mobile networks. We have carried out an investigation into the current state of the art of this technology, focusing on its architecture, operating principles and especially in the current state of development in Argentina. We have also made a forecast of what will happen in the next 3 years and our vision of what today are the best practices for its implementation.
Fil: Biga, Daniel Rodolfo. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina.
Fil: Del Giorgio, Horacio René. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina.
Fil: Dufour, Fernando Javier. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina.
Fil: Serra, Ariel Miguel. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Argentina.
URI: http://repositoriocyt.unlam.edu.ar/handle/123456789/2442
ISBN: 978-88-96471-11-1
Aparece en las colecciones: Comunicaciones científicas

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