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Autor(es): Giulianelli, Daniel Alberto
Cruzado, Graciela Susana
Rodríguez, Rocío Andrea
Vera, Pablo Martín
Moreno, Edgardo Javier
Título: Building Didatic Applications for the Teaching of Practical Content in a Virtual Campus
Descriptores y temas: METODOS PEDAGOGICOS
Editor: Blue Herons Editions
Referencia sugerida: Giulianelli, D. A., Cruzado, G. S., Rodríguez, R. A., Vera, P. M. y Moreno, E. J. (2010). Building Didatic Applications for the Teaching of Practical Content in a Virtual Campus. En F. V. Cipolla Ficarra, C. de Castro Lozano, M. Pérez Jiménez, E. Nicol, A. Kratky y M. Cipolla Ficarra (Eds), HCITOCH 2010 First International Workshop. Human -Computer Interaction. Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Strategies for a creative Future with Computer Science, Quiality Desing and Communicability (pp. 150-172). Blue Herons Editions. http://repositoriocyt.unlam.edu.ar/handle/123456789/2444
Resumen y filiaciones: Distance teaching becomes a tough task when its goal is to explain topics with high practical contens because it is necessary for the student to have de teacher´s guidance in order to undertand the steps and method to solve a particular problem. On the other hand, theoretical contents adapt themselvesmore easily to this metodology by the use of tools such as text with hyperlinks, synoptic charts, etc. This paper demostrates a solution that facilitates the virtual teaching of practical contents, but also provides him with an overview methos and several ways of automatically checking his knowledge and comprehension of content.
Fil: Giulianelli, Daniel Alberto. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.
Fil: Cruzado, Graciela Susana. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.
Fil: Rodríguez, Rocío Andrea. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.
Fil: Vera, Pablo Martín. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.
Fil: Moreno, Edgardo Javier. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.
URI: http://repositoriocyt.unlam.edu.ar/handle/123456789/2444
ISBN: 978-88-96471-00-5
Aparece en las colecciones: Comunicaciones científicas

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